Tuesday 9 May 2023


 Said it before can say it over n over and a zillion more times again there’s nothing no one no place animal thing that gives you THIS level of Khushi and beautiful madness the waaaaay waaaaaaaays anything to do with Him does!!!!!!

Glimpses of what was the trippiest mini vacation thing with your mom that you just wanted to get away from a bit!!!!!!

And it was exaaaactly how you wanted to be to just the alllllll and just Him away and that THAT MUCH more closer to just him and hooowwwwwww!!!!!!

And you come back home missing him al the much much more all over again!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one Him I swear they don’t make Hims like anymore and thank god for just that ONE him on the face of this planet I say!!!!!!!

Exactly why all those years back you didn’t fret or frown before saying it to his sister how lucky she truly was to wake up to him wvery to have him around all the time and see him every day that you didn’t mind being his sister too as strangely weird as this sounds ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one JUST THAT ONE HIM I Delaware!!!!!!

Lilst details!!!!!

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