Tuesday 16 May 2023

Waking up!!!!!

 This sudden realisation today in the middle of the workout when suddenly this Enrique track starts to play amidst the mix boris playlist…

Earlier the missing was missing him as a boyfriend kinda vibe now maybe you miss him as miss him the man kinda vibe…

Cause it’s al been feeling different lately the dreams making it all of it that much more beauuuuuuuuutofulky worse…the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he came this morning!!!!!!!!!!!

It left you with this level of missing like even writing now this rush of Him the morning steam left you with!!

It’s all getting very different inside your mind the memories the dreams that the outside you is unable to keep the pace up with it to hide it all away on the outside has become that much more difficult now…….

To this post stretch moemnt and there he was slightest with one track and you change it up and the waaaaaay it all becomes him from reliving that moment caught in the middle by sister…

The waaaaaay he did remember that very moment too cause the rush you had experienced in that moemnt with him was SOMETHING else!!!!!!!!

Much after bup in some chat he mentions the same like he did remember it that clearly the details your hand leg face and details and everytime he would remember the lilst things of moments and meets the waaaay it always used to amaze you how did he even manage to remember that bolke…

From that moment rush to stretching a leg out and the touch over your feet cause you had your face down bending to the other leg and you feel that strong touch over the other feet moves you close your eyes to feel it more and the waaaaaaay it just unfolds that beauuuuuutofully!!!!!!

Donno what it is how it is but the waaaaaaaaaay it is is beyond logics!!!!!!!

This very moment the mind this you this very rush!!!!!!!!

Yesterdays writing coming soon cause there way toooooo many co incidences and like he used to say life is nothing but a series of co incidences…!

If only there was something to do with the missing energy tracing travelling across and reaching out on its own when it’s on THIS level…

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