Tuesday 16 May 2023

The Mind!!!!!

 It’s this big beauuutiful box pitara of him like to the outside world you are a mess and that you get almost often very very often you are crazy you are a mess what are you even doing but to you alone you know what you feel what and how you live through…….

Be it the dreams take it to be a random Co incidence again which it’s DEFINITELY not cause the waaaays he comes makes you allows you to live him through completing some moment for you exactly how you were missing him as complete some conversation from the previous nights dream like too many of em to write it all down but all of it can’t just be a mere Co incidence to these very moments connecting the dots for you with his very songs same songs that you were moments back him tripping on and HOW!!!!!

Yesterday there’s this restaurant place that started off their space right at the same time span as you did this one of yours and somehow land there soon as the lockdown was taken off…the couple shared their story and stuff and you yours of how just before lockdown you youd gotten this space and this happened…….

Somehow the business connection was there and hoping best of each other got back with work with beech beech mein interactions with her……

For some reason they recently shut that previous space and got this one and had invited you for the same months back and kept slipping off your mind days back manager mentions the same bow they insisted again and finally yesterday head there with her and mom as a post Mother’s Day thing cause again the only special day you Manage to remember is the dates from the October…

Ur most looooooooved month of your life I say…

Sooo ya she had the location on maps and the second you are there the name the very name of the new space you had no clue of earlier was English of Gulmohar…

How do things like these even happen where last few days lately there have been a zillion instance of the initial rush of him be ur having to go to gvk to book the tickets and stand there staring away at the Starbucks stairs recalling the way down to ccd back then…

It was a slope thing back then where you had to walk down to the entrance and ther he was waiting for you knowing for sure THAT sure that you’d come back for him…

Every single time when there the waaaaaaay that one spot holds you away and HOW!!!!!!!!!

Finding him standing there waiting for you!!!!!!!

Something’s again you relive and write now this THIS very feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel beyoooond words!!!!!!

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