Tuesday 16 May 2023


 The other day manager takes the day off and so does the store staff so you had to take care of an urgent appointment where a guy walks in instead and upon checking mentions how was early she was the cousin who was in the way and asked the guy to check out outfits meanwhile….

Of all the shirts and prints the guy wearing similar exact white kurta kinda white shirt with blue prints jsut like his from his birthday video…

When a visual of Him in anyway hits you in moments like these every single time the way it zones you out completely……

The guy checking stuff and then takes a few asks you which one would compliment the guy color wise in a flirtatious way with every other outfit almost not a single answer out from you and you head over to the balcony play his music one ear plugged in and that one feeeeeeeeel of him…….

It’s the way evrythung on the inside smiiiiles away to making your face eventually smile away cause that’s how strongly you feeeeel him in the moemnt that one video of him singing him smiiiiiling him just being Him that beauuuutofully rushes through you…

Finalky the cousin comes over picks a few and asks if you design for men too and you say a clear no which you could’ve customised but with the manager not present you didn’t want to go through the picking the color design for the guy for reasons……

Get done with the appointment on your way home ask Venky to take the longer route home with just driving around!!!!!!

It’s this realisation that you’ve lived and re realised a zillion times charlie…….

This thing bout certain things especially the versions of love loving someone and stuff over a long period of gap as somehow turns into Jo mila woh like the manager was talking bout!!!!!!

But the waaaaaay the very sense and essence of you goes numb to everything else and then wheeeeeeen it comes to anything Him slightest of him bhi the waaaaaay all of you comes alive and HOW!!!!!!

U don’t miss things you miss it with and for Him most importantly…

Earlier it was a different kinda missing charlie like you know missing him as a boyfriend which you still do as he was your bestest friend too missing him in foods and places but now the waaaay you miss is more of becoming in a way like missing the man Him…

U know that kinda missing cause the dreams and post stretch moments yiy just donnoooo kyaaaaaaaa ho jaaaata the waaaaay he has been coming in dreams and in your post workout moments is SOMETHING else!!!!!

The touch taste and feeeeel of him is what’s more now waking up looking for him all the more and the way post workout moments mind that beauuuuutifulky high on him all over again even writing it now GOOSEBUMPS!!!!!

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