Saturday 13 May 2023


 Finger gets better and mind gets chippiest high possible!!!!!!

Just awakened and happy misseeeeing that one face I say!!!!!

There are some dreams there are some ways he comes and then there are sounds like these…

Lot to write lot to work so for now comes the rushed workout post himhigh stretch!!!!!!

Play his song and the beauuuuuutt of the date 27 October 2009 also why sampoorna super market board is your favourite most cause it comes with founded or something in 2009 ur most loved year of life I say!!!!!!

The waaaaaaaay some sounds can zone you out if the present mode and land you back to those all those intial glimpses of him!!!!

Him tying shoe lace to show you him walking into the gym him just standing at the corner of the gym with that lost face staring away at the glass side and you lost in him without even knowing why that one face used to hold you away like everything around stops all that stayed was him his face him waving just leaving sending out flying chummi after dropping you and then waiting for you to catch it where once you were just missing him too much whilst him leaving and he send out the flying chummi and you lost in just living and missing him don’t catch it and he actually calls you in that moment saying mein firse phektu catch this time don’t let me kisses go waste…….

These very initial details of him play through with the song and then that need to feel that presence of him cause there were memory flashes glimpses of him from the start playing through with the song but that need to feel him in the very moment and you play this one track that’s just HIM!!!!!!

That one wish to live him feel him moments with him to this very track cause you used to live him over Skype calls with the same track playing on loop……and that made you long for the very same track playing for real as you live him hold him for real…….

Something’s SOMETHINGS!!!!!!!!

Sooooooooo yaaaaaaah the second the track you knew for sure anytime now eyes shut in your mode of him movements actually and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay he was there that sudden transition of your mind all of you the waaaaaay you could that strongly feeeel him that very instance…

His nods his that THAT one smiiiiileeeeeeeeeeee and suddenly your body arms neck spine mimicd the exact movements what his presence used to make you feel like again when you can’t write but wanna write out so bad!!!!!!!!

It’s the exaaaaact feeeeels charlie like magic like he was there for real the waaaay it all just changed inside you your mind evrythung you that beauuutiful transition like his presence used to…

This is called inasaaaaanely self induced misseeeing I say!!!!!!!

Like you know how exaaaacy how that track is going to make you feel like make you live him and YET!!!!!!!!

Ayyyyaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! THAT BEAUTY HIM!!!!!!!

He is like the wild forest charlie like the tall wild trees no wonder this love for the trees and Him!!!!!!!

Wild vast and BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

Everything sense of Him…!

This mind now!!!!!!!!!

When you just can’t stop smiling cause you know the things your mind is at when you can’t stop smiling cause that ONE face that one expression playing on loop now everytime you blink…

Annnnnd some wishes…!

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