Tuesday 9 May 2023

lil Him’s…

 It was this experience of doing nothing and yet feeeeeling away that much him away!!!!!

Like the insides of you screaming I miss you idhar I’m missing you yaha bhi and there found you in that moemnt miss you yaha too kinda moments through these days louder than ever….

This walk track that resembled those drives into nothingness with him with that one turn and taking you back to opera…..

There was this beautiful mix of pleas of missing him that bad to that level of joy missing him to finding some lizard looking like Spider-Man costume to these mushrooms and still wondering about him as he used to talk bout these magical mushrooms that exist for real……..

To just walking yaha waha and it starts to rain poolside head there it’s all gulmohars all over to this series of songs that sort of in a way felt like your heart screaming out loud how bad it was missing him……..

To these late night dancing on your own recalling him holding you making you dance literally to dropping you over floor and then watching you miss him in his presence cause this dance was moments before you had to head home……

And the way he kept repeating the same cause that’s how much he loved watching you miss him sometimes rolling over the floor and nodding away in a way protesting over not wanting to leave him and head back home……and the way he went on n on over the dance lifting you holding you slowly dropping over and then with eac time holding you closer than the dance before like you could feel the missing in him grow too with everytime he dropped you and held you back……these very moments that very face of him him holding you and then hugging you tighter just before he nods and in a way time for you to leave like the hug itself felt like the biggest miss you he couldn’t say out with words……

That night listening to these tracks dancing on your own in the same move of him holding your arm swaying Ina wave motion is what you wer doing akele akele it was different charlie there was this beautiful irony too but that sense of happiness strangely lately this missing is coming along with a sense of feeeekinf happiest best in a strangest of ways possible…….as the feeling kept growing hold that moment and save the feel away with Gulmohar image of the night …

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