Saturday 6 May 2023

Heart happy!!!!!!

 Mind lately has been on this constant flight mode constantly just happy high on him!!!!!!

Like you wish you could get away from it all and just live this feeeeeeeeel away for a bit soak it all in away!!!!!!!!!

And the wonder of wonders is that you don’t even know why just reliving him has been making you that happy away!!!!!!!

To add to this vibe is these dreams of him these words whispers and feeeeeels of him that he has been coming with…like it took that level of missing to sit and watch wake up sid again days before and The waaaaaay it left you missing him al the more cause there’s that THAT him through n through the movie…..

So many coincidences through the movie now when you think of it like there’s that much to write out but when you sit down to it the way it just leaves your mind blank there’s that weird feeeeeeel charlie to this morning again the waaaaaay he comes like literally pushing you to wake you up just so you see him like dreams moments like these are firsts in many years like now he stays when you move he doesn’t leave or disappear like there with you when you want to see him live him hold him he is there as weird as it sounds!!!!!!!

Today that wait post workout and the manager walks in with fabrics stuff to finalise and you had to literally do it side by side but the second you shut your eyes with that track playing you donno howwwwwwwwwww that very visual from his Dd space meet when he asks you to hold him touch him cause you were sharing something from the school day that day and that very instance his face charloe that beauuuuuuuuuutifully transforms his eyes his lips his complete face like there’s that hint of smile and yet that one tone all seriousness but that beauuuuuuutofuly passionate and then smiles and he says it’s your face when you talk that does it and that’s it doesn’t say a thing after that cause his face was it all for you in that moment ……..

Today after all these years his that one line that one moment the sound of his voice the whole vibe of that moemnt rushed through you !!!!!!!!!

It’s beauuuuuuutifully magical after all these years out of all the moments that one moment to relive today with eyes shut like you couldn’t hear no sound but just his voice could only sense his presence his feeeeel in that moment even writing it now reliving how you still donnoooo!!!!!!

Mind now to another level of misseeeeeeeing I say!!!!!!!


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