Tuesday 9 May 2023

What a HUMAN of a Wonder!!!!

 Whatttaaaaaaa Human I swear!!!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaa the waaaaaay this song makes you feeel and miss him!!!! 

There was that beauuuuuuty charlie the most beautiful experience of your life to feeeeel that state of being lost in living him…

Like the way this track actually brings that state back smile on mind this beauuutifuly slow and high on him…

Like you looooooved watching his details lilst detail to just that live that state of being lost in him…

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeee you gorgeoooooousest human on the face of this planet how only you are being missed I swear this very moment again!!!!!!

If I swear you had the slightest whiff of an idea bhi!!!!!!!

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