Wednesday 17 May 2023


 Most favourite place in the world - Versova for life I say!!!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaaaaaa mornings and minds like these!!!!!!

It's an early start to the day almost feels like waking up am tmes defffffinitenly not a morning person again something that did transform away loving and living him, this looooive for the nights made you not a very morning loving person...

Rushed workout and that waiiiiit with no dream this morning for the post workout moment and u play this track the beauuuuuty of some sounds and words...

Eyes shut bending over and the waaaaaaay it brings along the versova moment cause that was the first time he chummied you in that way the slow nibbles first does and tejn waits for your reaction sees your face post mkemnt and the loud adddooooooooooioorable chuckle of his something's you relive and write out and the sound of him this beauuuutofully still clear!!!!!!!!

Like your excitement amusement and his face after noticing your reaction over his things ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa poooora heaaaaart I say mera!!!!!!!

People always commenting over how you can't hold an expression including your mom and there was him looving every bit of it.......

The slow nibbles his face that happy and the aaaaay he would come closer and at it in those movements thebwayyy it starts off with those memory calls and smiling relcjng the beauuuuuty of his closeness as you move through the moves that slowwwww whisper of something over your shoulder...

There was that almost magic like moment charlie cause suddenly there was that sound of whisper over shoulder and as you lean over that side to feel the moment more that feeeeeel of his hands all over your arms the waaaaaaay it felt like moving along with y9u as crazy as this sounds some moemnrs are just beyooooooond!!!!!!!!!

There was that rush of him THAT level of him rush cause your mind relaying moments of his closeness his presence that THAT close to you from the Versova meet and your body living another few moments as you move through...

This mind today already ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa no wonder Versova did become your most looooved place on the face of this planet I say!!!!!!!!

Cause the waaaaaaay you'd lived him then for the longest of time ever!!!!!!!!

Something else!!!!!!!!!

Miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you adooooiooirable lil big sexy thing how only you are being missed away abiiiiii k abiiiiiii!!!!!!!

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