Sunday 28 May 2023

Places off late!!!!

 This thing bout memories like they run through your mind on n off with some sound some rush of a moemnt or a visual but the waaaaaaaay it resonates on a tooootalllu different level with some places is something else…

And that has always been this way with his places the waaaay they still hold that THAT much him after decade and anytime when in one of his places the way everything around outside stops whilst everything on the inside is in this beauuuuutoful rush of him almost like magic…

The way it just holds you standing there and just reliving him in those very corners and playing it all back on loop in that very moment…

The waaaaay he is there ekdum seeee as you just stand there and reliving the moments and find him in that very space of mind and time!!

How it is donno why it is is even a bigger question but the waaaaaaaaays it is is beyond logics I swear charlie!!!!!!!

Be it now watching some video and you spot this and that pulllllllllll of wanting to write him out as you were holding back from it for the time being cause you just donttttt like reading your mind when it doesn’t feel right….

Lifestyle few days back was just one of those spaces…!

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