Monday 8 May 2023


 Not sure if it’s the mind or moments like these doo happen for real when the misseeeeeinf game is Thai’s THIS strong!!!!!!

Like the mind keeeps going back to that very moment when you felt him that stroooiongly even after the waking up but still half asleep !!!!!!

When you wanna write and the pina Colabaaaa doesn’t get the words right and yet this smillllreeeeeee where they think it’s the drink but you alone know the reason behind this smiiile glued on to your face ever since last night and. All the more since this morning !!!!!!

Howleeeeeee you gorgeouuuus lil deliciously adoooirabke big thing how only you were missed as a delicacy I say!!!!

Waking up saving up

Mind playing that very moment on loop n how even right now as you write out 

It’s definiiiiitey the tripppiest chipppiest of trips I say short one but what n hoooowwwwweeeeee

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