Tuesday 9 May 2023

Sound of music…

 There’s this beauuuutt of some sounds charlie…..

Writing something and then you play this one song that’s completely Him!!!!!

Like the second the other night you find this one and the waaaaay it brings him moments with him like it brings back those moments with him that made you realise there’s no other like him and there will never be another Him…

It’s that feeeeel charlie when you see someone live someone live their details experience that presence to that level that makes you realise suddenly how much you love them not just because they love you back or anything but just love them wholefully for just what and however they are…

Teri meri ankhom mein is one such song for you that did bring him along in the most beauuuuutoful of ways……

These memories those moments when you’ve felt this level of joy just by living his presence back then like in the inside feeeeeling that happy to just have him in your life to just having met him……

To those moemnt a from his Versova meet being close to his heart head over his shoulder him moving his arm away to the beat of the sound and beech beech mein looking you in the eye and smiling that smile cause he could see and sense that’s how lost you were in that wonder of a Him…

It was that beauuuutiful to find this track relive his hand with the music relive that feeeeel of his breath and heartbeat in that moment to just experience Him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa this one song how how beauuuuuuuuuuifully it’s just Him !!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaa saying it again every person that comes across him lives his presence even be it for a bit how truly blessed and lucky I say!!!!!!!

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