Saturday 6 May 2023


 This morning when you felt and relived that moment from his ddapace to literally see him from that exact moment say that that way to you the waaaay his face was that up close to yours his eyes his smile his complete expression vibe of that moment that clear like it was exactly jn that very time very moment very year very him exactly there!!!!!!

To the waaaaay you struggled to hold back your expressions like always cause you could t stop smiling as his that face keeps playing on loop looking you in the eye intensely beauuuuuuuuutifullu and slowly transforming everything inside of you away and HOW !!!!!!!

And just when you weren’t even prepared for it like you stil talking something at the school and just turns to you poora asks you to do something and then says that to you!!!!!!!

Of all the moments of all the memories the way these moments come rushing through you post workout when you can sense every breathe you inhale and exhale that beautiful calmness just the sound of his music eyes shut deep breathing and the waaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaays he comes over like magic happening for real in your waking state…

How what it makes you feel away is beuooooond words!!!!!

To the after still manager discussing and your mind was back with him still there in that moment held by his stare like you can’t move can’t think anything else but just that beauuutifully him!!!!!

Back at work sorting things out and you still struggle to pull yourself together and stay calm on the inside cause on the inside there was this beauuuutofuly trippy party happening on rrhe loudest music possible with everything smiling away in the inside and outside you stil had to stay calm…..

Manager goes down to the workshop with her fone over your table as you were sorting some bills out and wait for a min two three grab it and the first you see is this boris bheja cause some names you can never get right the other being the cucumber bitch one…….he was at the concert ayyyaaaa if there’s two people in the world who can make the dharmendraest you move is was first him and second being boris!!!!!

Like you love your morning initial cardio stuff now training stuff too to his tunes and today this morning too check the rough timing and the way it looked like it must have been posted same time around !!!!!!

Wasn’t really a live one but something’s nai charlie have a magic of their own if you really see it!!!!!!

Like magics all around you just gotta see it through…!

That moment too dancing away to the tracks and him posting similar time frame just weirdly strangely made you happy and how!!!!!!

Even writing reliving that feeeeel you just donnooo how what why it made still made you that happy away cause you just played any tack of boris you could find out loud at the studio all day today cause that’s how happpppppily you were missing him away!!!!!

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