Sunday 30 April 2023

THE only time!!!!!

 Prolly the only one n only single time when you don’t like rains now as you struggle to write out and trying to post with the constant power cuts and internet down!!!!!!

Of all the days of all the weeks it had to be this whole week with this same struggle!!!!!!!!!!

This state of mind recently with lilst of situations and biggest of memories and moments laced that beauuuuuutifully with all him!!!!!

Here’s still waiting and hoping it gets back on sooner so you could just scream your heart n mind out with this much himhighness I say!!!!!!

Nights like these and for years for YEARS that one wait to just live the beauttyyyyyyy of him on a night exactly like this one…….!

Heart mind and wishes that can pop out of nowhere I say!!!!!!!!!

This looooooveeeeeee for the rains n him high on rains !!!!!!!

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