Tuesday 25 April 2023

Sound of him…

 Some moments nai charlie could be really simple and yet could mean everything away and HOW!!!!!!!!

This weird rash over almost cheek and with any texture rubbing against and this restless sleep last night like you keep turning sides and this one side you turn and the scent of him and the waaaaaaaaay it fataaaaak se calms it all away as you try to move closer where you could sense him the most at and the waaaaay he slowly whispers bas bas like holding you off the edge just so you don’t fall kinda tone of voice….

And you try to move your face like reaching out to him kind with your face not opening eyes not making any sudden movements just so you could feeeeel him smell him sense him away for longer!!!!

And this time he comes closer like you feel his neck over your face and the way he makes those beauuuuuutiful sounds of hmm hmm like he was comforting you holding you like by then al you could smell feeeeel sense touch was him all over your face…….touch of his daaaadi over your face him moving his face over like uou remember him saying something all through the gentle whispers as his grip grows stronger holding you close…….that one time that strong rush to just see him his face upclose open your eyes or was still shut and you see him black shirt his eyes his that one smileeeeee still that sleeeeepy and he raises his eyebrow asking what’s up his usual style without really saying out in words and the way it shakes you up and you wake up…

And that’s when you realise you almost saw him still saw him even after the waking up as crazy as that sounds today this morning you did check the time it was the golden hour same it all just felt that beauuuuuuuutifulky different charlie cause it felt like you weren’t the only one needing him missing him sensing him feeeeling him in that moment!!!!!!!

Ever since the video to see him it’s this snileeeeeee that doesn’t drop or go even a notch lower it’s like on a constant swing mode!!!!!!! 

This high this very high of him soooo sooooo high!!!!!!!

Alllll happy and high on inside with expression totalllly outta control even with a swollen face and swollen eyes yiu just had to feeeel him more and head to workout today!!!!!!

This one track today that was that apt for the moments this morning with him and the way again it felt like a continuation of the moments from this morning…

This racer back thing u have switched to now that u can and this one stretch and suddenly you feel his hands at the back again something’s you feeeeeeel that strongly in that moment and now writing and reading yourself out sounds absolute madness a beautiful one though….

All through it like you could feeeeeeeel him holding you even writing and reliving that very feeel now!!!!!!  

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and just like always all it takes is that lil bittest also of him and the waaaaay it leaves you transformed and HOW!!!!!!!

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