Tuesday 11 April 2023

The after..!

 That one sound of his voice singing humming the song that very line away and that feeeewwwwwel of him having him back like he was there for real shakes you up and you wake up and it was that very golden hour of the night close to 5ish or something like that!!!!

Head out to the balcony be there for a bit play the song over eyes shut and relive the moment of him being that close his whisper his voice his voiiiiiice singing after years and how he looooooved to sing some of his favs only!!!!!

Like when he is really in the mooood feeeling all chill happy heart State and that’s when some song out of no where he would just stop everything else look you in the eye and start to sing even be it whilst driving like stop out of nowhere pull it to the side and just sing a line or two first looking at you and then go on driving with that one face of his like he was feeeeelinf too much away in that moment and also has to keep it to just himself and your way of finding that much something rushing through him was his choice of song his expression the waaaaaaaay he would suddenly switch into this most beauuuuuutiful mode of mood you could possibly experience!!!!!!!!

Art in motion kinda vibe to just live him I say!!!!!!!!

To just wake up to that very song him humming his voice after years singing to you the complete vibe of that one moment and you fall back to sleep right there in the balcony to his song and with that moemnt of him his lips over your forehead that beauuuuuutiful scent of his presence and most importantly his voice singing to you!!!!!

It’s just that something when you feel it that strong and only later through the day it again feels like it was just your mind and you again live him the exact same way this time another line from the same song like it was a continuation of the song the waaaaaaaay it had all those vibes again of him coming back it just felt all weirdly beautiful charlie and also now as you write and read you realise specially in this state of mind that yo are right now in exactly why you stayed away from writing this one out!!!!!!

Struggled to not write this one out!!!!!!!

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