Tuesday 11 April 2023


 It’s like one with you kinda vibe in moments like these!!!!!

Like you that strongly feeeel his love for you in these sudden moments to just hear his name out loud in your house to having to call the kid and you keep saying things like oye this oye that instead of calling His name cause the waaaaaaaaaaay just saying his name out loud was making you feeeel was something else!!!!!!

A beautiful beauuuutoful rush of a moment!!!!!!!

To finally done with them and they leave you take sometime out to manage a workout like in your head you just knew what you were instead of waiting and heading for!!!!!!

Done with the workout and play this song that has the most him vibes like your insides feel it too kinda Vibe of this track!!!!!!

Soon as you play this one for your post stuff stretching the one arm at the back arching thing with the other and suddenly both the ear plugs go blank and you hear his voice in that very moment whisper away howliii gently slow whisper with him smiling kinda voice and the waaaaaaaaay all throug the stretches moves later you could feeeeeeeel his voice over your ears around and over and that one feeeeeeeelone smile it left you with !!!!!!!!

All through the moves that one constant feeeeeeeeeel of him with you that you had goosebumps on all through those few mins like feeeeeeling him for real kinda rush rushing through you all through the moves today………

Again feeling yourself away throug the moves kinda mood cause of his voice that close to you like you know he is not around for real but the waaaaaaaaaaays he has been coming lately charlie is very very different!!!!!!

It’s these whispers of his the way he touches you holds you says you things it’s like he is showing expressing his love for you like trying to make it all come back like he is coming back kinda vibe again something’s you write and this very feeeeeeeeel now!!!!!!!!!

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