Sunday 2 April 2023

Soooo long!!!!!

 It’s been soooo sooooooooo long charlie!!!!!

The face you breathe live looooooove and how and having lived away all these years all this time without having seen lived touched felt for real it’s your heart alone knows how and what it’s been like…

And everytime single time you sit down to write out these moments from the dreams throug your day trips of him the waaaaaaay it only feels more deep as you write it out like it aches a lil more than how you’d felt in that moment in comparison to when you write out now like this this aches a lil more…

These beautiful beauuutiful moemnts of magic lately be it finding wake up Sid tracks even decade later some mall some cafés some store including at IKEA finding the cigarettes after sex track in that very moment when you were already living him away with eyes shut right in the middle of the crowd mad mad crowd around like suddenly all those sounds of children crying people yelling talking out loud sounds of food and trolleys moving around disappears suddenly it’s all that veauuuutifully quiet and all you can see feeel live breathe in that very moment was the visuals of him at the billing counter looking up at you smiiiiling that one smile of his that every single time made you fall harder deeper in love with him all over again!!!!!

It’s some moments charlie that are just beyond you and when they hit you away amidst everything else when you were least expecting it you just gotta live it to the fullest not care about everything around or her talking screaming to check on the trolley like all you had to do in that moment is feeeeeeeeee him away to and with the sound cause that’s how clearly tug could see him in that moment or those moemnts recently!!!!!

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