Tuesday 11 April 2023

Waking up…!

 There was this dream just a day back half asleep after a very very hectic day at work and this some sound of hwhisper turn to one side and you feel his lips over your forehead as you try to move closer to his side the way he had his face all over yours and stays that way like he wanted to live and feel your that way even before you move think or say something the way he slowly starts to whisper away humm away his song Tera bhi ashiyana mera bhi ashiyana it was from his lucky ali song Anjani raho mein…

And the way it shakes you up cause in your head in that very moment it all felt like he was there for real he was back kinda vibe…

Cause it was that very song that he had playing when he was coming to meet you in that first meet post bup…..like had it all timed it that beautifully started it off from his house to the galli next to his house galli to see you!!!!!

In your head in that moment the waaaaaaaaay it just made you feel that strongly that he was back for real also why you couldn’t write this strong moemnt out cause of the after feels and the waking up and looking for him and not finding him AGAIN!!!!!!!

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