Sunday 2 April 2023


 There’s everything else on one side and then there’s just him this beauuuuutifully all of him and how that you breathe n live away without even intentionally doing so…

Ever since Ramzan there’s this shift in work timeline early mornjngs and early evenings off work which did give you enough time on hand to work on the redo of the interiors as the shoots are now indoors so making lil changes adding few things had your hands full……..planning organizing everything at once and then amidst all of this there are these dreams of his the waaaaaays he comes charlie like that one strongest sense of him him making you feel telling you allowing you to feel his love away for you that now leave you confused with a a zillion questions soon as you are up…

To this one trip to shilparamam to just check out a few decor options like the ancient traditional types with more rustic finish……soon as you are there few rounds and suddenly it all turns cloudy and this one corner with trees hovering over the head your most fav visual after him and as you stay there this one sound of the flute looking up shutting your eyes away and the second you vibe with the sound that one visual of him his face upclose like from that very moment you were holding his face in your hands and living that beauuuuuuty of him every lil detail of him from the closest possible right there as you stand there amidst the most serenity setting around with that one sound…

That was prolly the first time you fell in love with the sound of the flute try to Shazam it but no results cause that’s how strongly you felt him with that one sound like there was manager talking something asking you come along to the next store but you just couldn’t move from that spot it was that wholeeeeee vibe of him charloe the same like it used to with his presence back then like you see him and you can’t move look away or feel hear see anything else but just him like all your senses that beauuuuuutofully held by that beauty of his prsence!!!!!!!!

Something’s you write shut your eyes and that one deeeeeel as you relive those moments of his orsence for real feels like another lifetime altogether with the distance now…

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