Tuesday 11 April 2023

Children’s day at home!!!!!

 To this day from waking up to another stronger presence of him skipping this one out for many reasons the waaaaaay it just stayed with you and you decide to take the day off work instead get out to get a few things for home and stuff and come back home!!!!!

home cleaning sorting the room and basic stuff and suddenly there was this much loved gang that lands uo at your place Shreya and Chetan neighbour wasn’t home and they were back from some summer class and it was noon almost…..

At the dining table having lunch with em and suddenly Chetan ayaaaaaaaaaaaaa like you could just go on writing the name all over and still smile everytime you write and read it over n over again……

He burps and the other friend of the two starts to laugh calling some telgu names and stuff and you burp along with him and they all start to do the same soon from lunch it did turn out to one who burps the most thing……

Look across the table similar moemnt at his place with his sister beside you him across the table over lunch at his place…..his sister burps and she gets a lil embarrassed over it he jokes something bout it and you burp along with her and she does it again so do you and the waaaaaaay he starts to chuckle over the entire thing saying thank god she didn’t fart and was just a burp!!!!!!

Moments living one and the waaaaaaays they just bring him along cause that’s how much you looooooooooved living him away!!!!!!

Even today playing with the kids land water something over the couch there was him over his bed wrstelting away with him jumping over the bed pushing him him pushing you away to making sure gets you in that position where he knew you would lose control just by way he would suddenly stop everything else and look you in the eye holding your arms away and off you……

Like suddenly today you get off the couch and head to the balcony cause you saw yourself that way after years kinda realisation suddenly hitting and HOW!!!!!!!

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