Monday 24 April 2023

Sense of Him…!

 Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa when he comes like this like thaaaaaaaaaat much him and from thattttttt upcloseee !!!!!!!!!!!!

Miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tummm aaaj bhi zoooor zoooooooor seeeeeeee aisaaaaa waisaaaaaaaaaa kaisaaaaaaa kaisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yaaaad aaare ji!!!!!!!!

Charloe this very feeeeeeel of him rushing through you right now to that sense of him to that rush of waking upto that feewewwwl of him!!!!!!!!!!!

That much smell touch sense of him!!!!!! 

Again one of those days you sure will struggle to hold back your face and smiles I say!!!!!!

How like this just how like this that one face becomes alllllllll of this awaaaaaay and HOWWWWW!!!!!!   

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