Wednesday 26 April 2023


 Mornings moments like these and right at that very time when you have rush out for some work ayyyaaaaaaaaaa this mind I swear when he comes every single time when he comes like this !!!!!  

The one thing place person location that has your poooora ka poooora heart right there HIM!!!!!!!

Be it yesterday for the hair cut be it in the way home with rains be it waking up to him again this morning or be it now the saaaaaaaaame nose chummi of his back then comes back with the sound and leaves your nose almost moist!!!!!!!!

Some moments again beeeeeeeeyond logics there’s that much to write out scream out atyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa him I swear the adoooooooooooorablest sexiestrtttttrtt deliciousessssssst being born ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day lost count on can’t hold back this face I say!!!!!!!

It’s become that evident on face now!!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee screaming screaming jumping jumping flying flying floating floating how only you are being missed I say!!!!!!!!!!

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