Friday 26 April 2019

weirder and maddeer are the ways of heart i say...

still wondering what it was like.....

what you felt then was smthing else......

it wasnt just bout misseeeing him it was that strong feeeeeeeel of him like he was suddenly that close to you or to come closest to is tht same feeeel like he just touched you..... for real.....

like thats the strongest feeel of him and whoo bhii in the waking state and right there at that very place.....

the waaaay like everything else the waaaay he loved talking to you bout the very same day....

telling you how he loved chudidars for teh first time cause you used to wear it and how white color did become his fav cause he felt you looked that pure walkig out of the temple... and he couldnt take his eyes off you and even tells you that he did know you felt weird initially cause he never looked at you that way but that day he couldnt help it and felt the same from you when you dint take your hand off his forehead....

it was that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful to hear it all from him cause of the way he just knewwwwww exaaaaactly knew what you had felt in that very moment in many moments.....

like to actually hear him say how you felt in a specific moment without you even telling him bout it was - LOVE !!!!!!!

like there was him that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully well aware of what you feel how you feeel how you think in different moments and situations without you even having to tell him....

like just by your face he would knoww it all.... mostly this only happens when youve known someone for very long that you understand their facial expressions but there was him slightest any expression of yours and he would just knowwwwwwwwwwwwww what it was bout !!!!!!!!!

like he already knew you that beauuuuuuuutifully well !!!!!!!!!

like to just hear him tell you things bout you only was like him telling you a zillion more much deeper i love yous than jus the mere love you.....

like him talking botu those moments was waaaaay more intense than the much obvious i love you !!!!!

cause that was him showing you telling you how he already knew you lilst of you any detail of you anything to do with you he just knew !!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kyaaaaaaaa hai yeeeeee aaaaaaaj ittteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaad areeeeee miyaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this onlyyyyyyy what it was then you donnoooo why of all the things unblocking him you still donnoooo what diff does it even make still makes no sense.....

cause all you knew and felt then was just Him and to do that !!!!!

why is the biggest question of all i say !!

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