Tuesday 9 April 2019


to live him in the dreams i swear !!!!!!!!!!!

and this way !!!!!!!!!1

like suddenly you forget that diff in whats real or not.....

cause its like two complete extremes...

him wanting to hold you wanting you stay close wanting to stay close to you and the other side of it !!!!!!!!

this one line or few lines on one of the pages you follow talking bout how to let go whats hurting you or causing you pain and stuff like that !!!!!

it hurts def hurts when you see that change when you live the diff but its also what gives you that peace....

like nothing else in the world could possibly do !!

its that beautiful feeeeeeeeling charlie..... when you miss him through the day or through some moment memory recall and then live him be it with eyes shut bhi its just that smthing thatyou wake up with is smthing thats life to you !!!!!!

cause its nothing like you feel otherwise with nothing else.....

like ntohing canmatch up to what and how anything to eevrything to do with him does...

like a part of it hurts you and then there is that most part of you that finds peace in him in anyway !!!!!!!

its that part of you now most part of you....

as weird mad as it sounds it is how and the way it is now....

its you its that peaceful happy calm mad strange weird side of you but most you side of you.....

thats where you feel the most you, the only place where you belong...

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