Tuesday 16 April 2019

weird mad nostalgia of dates !!

this thing bout dates sometimes they are this beauty that sort of connect you to the very best in life..... a moment a time smthing thats gone and when you remember or live another day on that very date that sense of smthing beautiful, not actually like ditto subodh style but smthing bout the dates one of those special dates on the calendar and then there is that irony of the not so special dates....

this time last year and that feeeeeeeeeeeel of THAT close to seeing him for real THAAAAAAAAAAAT close in your mind at least.....

and this THAAAAAAAAAAAAT close thing even be it for your mind bhi cause he definitely had some plans and like always knew for sure this time too he wouldnt....

but in your mind it still was that feeeeeeeel of THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT close to seeing living him for real....

and right through the start of april that ajeeb feeel taking over your mind ittaaa ki no matter what you do and everytime someone mentions april or the date that one ajeeeeb feeling in the tummy i say !!

like kittaaa try karo cant get over or hide from that weird feeeling....

and this need to get your mind overworked with work ki dont find that space to breathe or ting your mind over april....

its ajeeeb waaaaaay more ajeeb than the word just ajeeb i say....

like you are struggling to not let your mind go kahi aas paas bhi to that one though - THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT close !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and just like always the thing you least expect happens...

also why you avoided writing it out writing that state of mind out cause just like now the more you mention the closer you go to writing bout that very time the waaay all that wait rushes through you... its not even just bout the wait its that one ticking thing running constantly through your mind all that while back then those few weeks maybe today maybe tomo you are thaaaaaaaaat close to living him another day just one day more.... maybe tomo just one day more !!!!

and you exactly whyyyy even now as you write and avoid writing and phirrrr bhiiii kaiseeee tho bhii nikal he araaaaaaa !!!!!!!!

so yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!

avoiding writing and then struggling not writing and right through this working on the shoot of the collection working on the final design changes or location scouting for the shoot that one feeeeeeeeel of him no matter where you are....

there is that pure beauuuuuuty charlie in living a chaos absolutely crowded state of mind or situation and right in the middle of it you just get away sit somewhere and watching all that madness crowd around plug into him literally Him in your ears.....

and that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of lostness suddenly !!!!!

like all of it around suddenly disappears and all you can hear live feeeeeeeel is Him...

that one beauuuuuuuuuty which is waaaaaaaaay beyond words of the world i say !!!!!!!

it just does smthing to you which can never be defined written out even using the best of words quotations pharses poetry be it whatever, nothing ever could come close even to what it exactly makes you feel like when you just get away and plug into him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one beauuuuuuuuuuty i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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