Tuesday 9 April 2019

some movies i say !!

like you managed to watch the complete film and thank god for the subtitles...

the waay it starts off with the heros granny talking bout this one toy that the hero had a lady or smthing in white gown.....

and since the day the hero loses that toy of his there was that hope in him to find it someday....

to this instant when he sees this girl in a white chudidar and actually falls for her the very first time.....

him lost in her and her for once when she only looks up at him.....

and just him....

even as you write out that first meet this beauuuuuuuuuuty of it as you write the waaaaay it still reads like you are writing your own first stare meet wit hhim.....

cause you did see him many a times walking his signature walk but that was the first time look him in the eye and the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he just holds you awaaaaaaaaaay with that stare of his.....

like you talk smthing and turn and that very sec just by your voice he looks up in the mirror and stay sthat way.....

the waaaaaaaay he wouldnt smile no expression nothing at all and just be that way looking at you and holding you awaaaay.....

that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of those few mins the waaaaaaaaaay he just holds you away with his stare like you cant move cant look away and dont wanna move or look awaay.....

the waaaaaaay it just felt like you were held there by smthing and you just be liivng that beauuuuuuty of him.....

him in his white collar wali t shirt you in your white shirt and not forger his white chaddis with white shoes too....

this onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy where to where only it went i say.....

from the movie scene to lost in yours with him...

smthinsg i swear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just the start of it all that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful start of it all...!

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