Thursday 25 April 2019

his first iphone...

this weird feeeeeeeling aaj kal.....

like theres that diff when you just live a moment it fills you up with more of him but thi sthing whn you actually sit down to write that same moment.....

the waay it zones you out with that sudden ting of the difference of back then to the now.....


its like you are off n away for a bit still writing......

that weird realization of almost like a time major time difference....

whoo hota nai stone age to this age wala difference that kinda extreme...

the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay he just wanted to be with you have you around !!!!!!!!!!!

like making the most of your presence.......

liivng you loooooooooooooving you away with it !!!!!!!!!!!

it was those almost days away from love days.....

also hsi first ever iphone hunt that he takes youa long with.....

one store to the other croma to this one other store.... and out from there and yet he couldnt find the iphone..... and walking upto this other store just a few steps away that he takes you along wit..... soon as you step out waay too sunny and he gives you his raybans to wear... you tell him you dint need them as you werent used to wearing them which you still arent.....

and yet he insists asking you to try them on ateast as he wanted to see you in em.... just for the sake of seeing you in them.....

as you put em on and try towalk around with him still looking at you that adoooooooooooooooooooooorably and then randomly talking smthing just looking at you......

and you couldnt see a thing almost most importantly couldnt see him clear and you tell him actually directly you dint want to wear em as you couldnt see him and he asks what or smthing like that one surprised tone to what you just said and you tell him not jus him you couldnt see a thing around not the sky not the road nothing at all and it was almost that blinding or power chashma wali feeeling and the waaaaaaay that one adoooooooooooooooooooooooorable chuckle of his saying yaa you also are walking that waaay.....

and yet insists you wearing em and do as said.... where actually kuch biii ni dikraa thaa charlie rasta bii nai..... like it was that double road wali feeeling as you strugled to walk on and still feeels the same when it comes walking with shades on.....

and that one question constant in you that day..... and you finally ask him why did he want you along when you had no absolute idea bout fones excelt for how they look n all like the color part of the fones is all you knew.... and that one smileeeeeeeeeeeeee of his that you coudlnt see clear as he just stops walking and jst looks at you and you finally take it off cause you dint want to miss the waaaaaaaaay he was looking at you to  think of it now you dint wantt to miss that one moment of living him as you couldnt see a thing clear through them......

and the waay he says he was making most of your presence before you get engaged making sure he has you around.....

like he used to do this that often then like anything he would say and then add that one line of surity of his like him being that sure that you will be with him.....

and that one chuckle of his after saying smthing like that saying he was making sure he changes your mind......

and that moment you stilll dont get it only afer you reach home do you realize what he said then....

and he actually just by your face knew you dint get what he said only a few hours after you are home he actually msgs you asking the same if you did get what he said outsde the store....

couldnt reply a thing obvsly !!!!!!!!!!

it was that beauuuuuuuuuuuuty of those moments the waaaaaaaaaaay he was always ALWAYS that sure you will be with him.... it will be Him bolke....

HAD to be Him...!

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