Saturday 20 April 2019

The rains = the Him...

this thing bout and with rains i swear !!!!!!!!!!!

be it the irony or the magic but no matter what it is that one thing standard i say - HIM !!!!!!!

from that one galli of his in your fav galli to just lving the rains through his ghar wali galli.....

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gallis youve lived looooooooved adooooooooored him the most....

through n through one galli after the other and that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of him in every corner and to live all o fthis to the sound of his music with THAT much him rushing through you - purest form of magic i say......

his school his bachpan to his ghar wali galli living his love for you to that reliance wali galli living both his love and that first meet after bup.......

its like living versions of his love for you through n through and HOW !!!!!!!!!

to almost charminar it was and this one lane that was overtly filled with pigeons and different kinds of birds and everyone looking aorund amazed again felt like it was smthing that never happened before.... like they weer seeing it was equally surprising as you were....

cause that was def the hugest amount of birds in one place who bhii that youve ever seen.....

and that was one EXPERIENCE i swear....

why ?!

cause in those many birds you saw that many him liivng those many times that one most looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooved adoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored thing bout him.....

another one of those actually as there are waaaaaaay tooo many things bout him that you loooooooooooved liiiiiiiiived and adoooooooooooooooooored !!!!!!!!!!!

that one human bird form of his....

every time at the security check lifting his arms wide open in the air and then looking up a bit slighest raise in his chin and that one moment hooooooooooooooooooow you looked forward to......

also the reason why every single time just close to the security chck you alwasy used to walk a lil behind just soooo you could live that moment.....

watching him look that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful in his human bird form.....

arms wide open in the air chin slightly raised ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one sight i swear !!!!!!!!!

sight of loooooooooooooooooove !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

today windwos down still raining to watch live those birds fly yaha waaha all aorund and over you and whoo bhi THAT many was living him to  the fullest......

it was like always see smthing and that one touch of his off and awaaaaaaaaaay you fly andgooooo to everything him.....

its like you are living one visual of th ebirds flying around but in you there is that beautiful flight of your own.....

off n awaaaay to him......

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