Saturday 27 April 2019

Moments in life...

that one line in his bio and that one feeeel just before getting off - almost ditto to yours.....

like that one profile twinning wali weird mad feeeling....

its also a part of realization to just knowwwwww there is not just one thing that makes you miss him makes you happy bout him.... its that feeeel to know to experience how anything to everything to do with him actually does that to you.....

anything to everything i say...

biggest moment of happiness today to a bigger realization also !!

like it sort of made you look at yourself top to toe kinda weird feeeel....

like where you are what you are doing why you are the way you are.....

like to just wake up and work on yourself change the way you are change the waay you feel and all of that.....

like to just change yourself.....

smthing better def !!!!!

happened many a times before but today was a different one.... as this also being the first time eevr with a distance like this one !!

like made it all that much more clearer that much more sense now......

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