Thursday 25 April 2019

slightest of him...

when you start your day with that much him already to that feeeeel when you get ready and everytime actually look at yourself all the more cause everytime you doo you take a look and that feeeeeel of his words that beauuuuuuuuuuutiful echo of his voice cute dikhri pink mein....

as mad strange weird nonsense as it sounds its just the feeeeeeeeeels nothing else but just the feeeeeeeels i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like all the morning that need to look at yourself again n again with hair getting lilst of better like it still is not cured completely you dint look or feel best but that one himmmmmm i sayyyyyyyyyy ringing rushing through you the more you look at yourself the more that one feeeeeel i say cute dikri pink mein......

is when you nothing else really mattered like always.....

just that beauuuuuuutiful echo of his voice......

again why what or how dint make sense but just that feeeel that stayed with you !!

is also why this shade of pink did become his another color on you...

whooo hota nai when youve lived that THAT much missing side of him that that slightest bit of him in anyway makes that big of a difference...... again smthings you just cant really define or write out in words.... jus the waaaaaay it does make that big of difference....

slightest of him bhii and what better way than actuallly living that side of your reality for real today in that one random moment.....

as you wait for the jam to get clear on your way to the other location and this one suv beside and through the window you see that one side face of some guy on the bike..... hair like his those adooooooooooooooooorable curls of his from back then and that one side stick or whatever its called of his rayban from back then.... like that slightest side of someone just cause of the hair makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like its him there like even as you look at that slightest of someone through that window it was like you were living that moment of living him as he drives wearig his much loved raybans that stick over his ear and his adoooooooooorable curls.... like just that side of him was all you could seee today through that window of the suv like that one random someone becomes him for those 10-12 mins like it was that bad of a jam but for you again it becomes your world for those few mins cause in your already misseeeeeeeeing high mind it wasnt someone random but there was him thats all you could seeee feeeeeeel liveeeeeeeeeee and looooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that beauty of those hours i swear to just lose yourself in all him !!!!!!!!!!

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee writng writing nowwwwwwww how onlyyyyyy YOU were missed abiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiii i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifullllest in th world i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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