Tuesday 16 April 2019

music = oxygen !!

be it no matter what it is.....

there is that beauty in finding smthing new and the waaaaay you feel like it connected with you resonated with you on more levels than one....

like it just said it all what you felt or feel like bout his music...

its this weird state of mind and you just couldnt get work done be it working on designs for the collection to shoot or get the right photographer to shoot or the right place that you had in mind that had to had toooooo have gulmohars and you cant seem to find in a place where there is changing option available for the model as well as the space filled with gulmohars....

its that thing of having smthing of him still there as thsi will be your first step concrete big step ahead and that feeeeeeel of him when you had nothing at all he was there with you with allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of his love for you and HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .......

today when you are taking that one lil leap ahead that one thing to have smthing anything of him and the closest you can manage now is gulmohars...

and everywhere you go there is every other flower there but gulmoahrs and wheere there is bharpoooor gulmohars there is no option of changing....

to this time when working on designs this mind i swear like this time of the nite play his music on and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT close to living him for real same time around in your mind....

like kuch bhiii karloooo that one feeeeeel you just cant get over or ignore i say....

cause you alone know what and how much that meant to you !!

like you struggle and then that one beauuuuuuuuty of his music and you just get away from it all out for a walk with his music and that feeeeeeeeeel like you suddenly feel better breathe better feel that sense of smthing beautiful that just fills you up with smthing you cant define or write out.....

head back home and just be to the sound of his music like those few hours to just be with his music and looking around is like living him with the sound......

its like the most beautiful purest form of meditation and also the way in a way feeels like you lived him in your mind for thsoe few hours just before you crash without even knowing ......

its like your way of getting that much needed dose of purest oxygen after a long day....

it just fills you up with smthing !!!!!!!!

and everything HIM !!!!!!!!!

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