Monday 8 April 2019

just this way of living him !!

like you maybe cant call it used to but like still used to living him in a zillion ways in dreams.....

but this one waaaay when he comes......

like the others do make you miss him al the more worse bt strangely beautifully for all the selfish reasons to yummm him away top most one !!!!

and when you live him feeeeel him this way that one need to runnn to him !!!!!

like thats the only thing that comes to your mind first the sec you are up from a dream like that one....

where either he is restless disturbed or in some way trying to make you feel that smthings just not right with him..... and that feeeeeeeeeeeling you know exactly how its like !!!!

its like the sec you are up from a dream like that one all you could feel live is his face in that very same way.... cause youve seen how that face of his loooks how he feels like when he is not right how he wants to be loved when he is not right that way like you jsut knoooow how he is when he feels that way....

and the only thing he wants then is to just be loved and make him feel like someones there for him..... like he needs that assurance in that moment that need to be adored loved jsut to be loved.....

like you cant get your mind off from taking it to be just a dream that need to see him and then realize the same blank stay hear him for a bit and get off.....

still that feeeeeeeel how do you even know if he is okay he is fine....

cant ask him cant see him and also cant take this feeeel to be just a dream after all cause its not bout anyboyd else its bout HIM !!!!!!!!

agian that one feeeeeel of nothing else in the world could move you shake you up the way anything  to everything bout him does.....

like shakes you up for real and HOW !!!!!!!!!

like that one restless of his just got shifted into you the waaaay it just leaves youthat restless cause there is noooo way you can know if he is fine or not !!!!!!!

its this weird feeel when you cant take it to be not real and in real cant even do anything bout it !!

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