Monday 8 April 2019

that one pull.....

every single time when you feel him this way be it this restless or with eyes shut that one feeeeeeel that one same feeeeeling every single time like smthing was just pulling all of you like yu know you dont move a bit and yet that one feeeeeeeel of being pulled to smthing and HOW !!!!!!!

like you can feel it inside of you even as you live thse moments of tryng to hear him out as to what he was whispering away that adooorably....

like in your mind knowing his sleep talk its that same thing liek he is having his usual sleep talk moment and that same need to hear him out like to just listen to what he was telling you.....

and you keep going closer the waaaay that one pull right from that sec of smelling feeeling his presece....

like much before oyou actually move tring to go closer to hear him much before that that one same feeeel of being pulled like yu can feeel beng moved away....

smtihings even as you write now like you cant get that exact word to write or express but just that one beauuuuuutiful pull like being pulled literally away and to much closer to him like you keep getting closer to hearing his voice and the more you could smell him from closer.... with that one vibe as you get closer a bit more a bit more and youll just touch him awaaay like almost there almost there wali feeel !!!!!!!!!!

smthings again you wrie now of al the words woich mila nai sirf to explain i out !!!!!!!

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