Friday 26 April 2019

The language...

it was that weirdly beautiful feeeeeeling like from not seeing any love to THAT much love......

the waaay even after you get in the waaaay he still wouldnt stop looking at you..... take the vibudhi and even before you ask the waaaaaaaaaaay he that beauuuuuuuuuutifully holds his hair away from the forehead and as you just botu to apply the waaaay he just watches you through the moment..... that one touch of his forehead that one beautiful tinkle on the fingertips..... human touch was scarier than the sight of dogs or any other animal for that matter to you !!!!!

having lived almost all your life with that and then there was the same you touch his forehead and the waaaaaay it just holds you awaaay... like it makes you wanna be that way with your finger still over his forehead and him watching you the waaaaaaay he was.....

and that one smileeeeeeee after noticing you still be that way even after applying it over his forehead and it was then do you realize thats how lost you were in him.....

it was that one small way of looking at him your finger over his forehead his face that close to you and him holding his hair awaaay with one hand and then watching you.....

it was different.....

cause youd never seen him be that way with you or like said maybe that was the first time you actually noticed it....

and only once he smileeeeeees that smile do you realize you were lost in that beauuuuuuuuuuuty of him and get your hand awaaay and just look around and the waaaaaay just seeing you that waay like you could feeel him still watching you and when you do look back dheere see that one smileeeee on him still there......

and then tries to make it better for you cause he did sense that you getting that embarrssed over the moment.... and then says his people at home will be shocked to see him that way and all.....

he was going through that bad phase that struggle of not wanting to be there and yet there he was just for you.... like even today as you relive that love of his there watching the same space at the temple that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him rushing through you......

you dint know of his love then and yet there he was actually thee for you with you...

like you remember him telling you how much he actually hated it and yet there for you and how.....

like only after moving a lil awaay form there that lost of his face after you asking him bout it makes you realize how bad he dint want to be there and yet was there for you.....

and not even for once do you see him frown over that and despite of that much discomfort bout the place and the things to do with god.... he actually lets you put the vibudhi over him...

and thinking of it now THANK GOD he did let you!!!!!!!!

nai thooo merku ye moment kaise miltaa thaaa.....

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa another one of those most loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooved moments with him......

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tumkuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu deknaaaaaaaaaa thaaaaaaaa uskuuu charlie whoo moment mein.... ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chipppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tummmmm bhotttttttttttttttttt yaaaaaaaaaad areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee miyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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