Tuesday 9 April 2019

to just be...

there was that beauty when you could just write it all there like you know it was that corner of yours away from the public eye.... like here its more open like there out there kinds....

and then there is this zorkiii wali feeeling to write out like you just need to when you yesterday sleep half way through writing....

cause when you feeeeeeeeel him that waaay like there is no way you can hold back from writing exactly how and what it made you feel like he made you feel like.....

so it was bout this movie finally whn you did manage to sit through the complete film and this thing bout movies like there are movies and then there is smtimes just this one movie that sort of resonates through you like not just ring the bell ting bolkeee but just that whole feeeeeeel it leaves you with that def lasts longer than the movie.....

and this one did and HOW !!!!!!!!

the feeeeeeeels it left you with cause it made you relive that same love of his for you relive those exact sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee smiles of his for you like watching that film was like living him reliivng his love for you and HOW !!!!!!!!

like almost every scene and that beauty of just him...

where you want to write out the most oart of it but then that thing also this is not your google space where you could just write it all and ayyaaaa that another realization as you write now also when you cant write those drunk happy high on him posts....

that beauty of to just let yourself be and set the him in you freeeeeee and how even when that drunk to just write the him out to just set your misseeeeing free and esepcially when drunk.....

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