Friday 26 April 2019

Visual magic...!

this looooove for visuals anything at all did start with living that one beauuuuuuuuuuuty of HIM.....

just like that love or smthing for people watching too... that one most loved thing to do with him when out when from love to turning best friends through the conversation as you people watch.... and feeeling yourself looooving him all the more.... the more you felt his mind..... literally feeeeeling his mind away i say !!!!

sooooo yaa this loove for visual thing did start with living him.... when you discover that beauuuuuuty of loving and then loving someone for their lilst minute details.... even smthing like how they blink also smthing that you are in loooooooove with.... just the way he would blink...

like to live a visual like see the details feel the details read the details and as you do looove it all the more that you live the visual..... Him the one for your life !!!!!!!!!

after him it was this thing bout finding him in details of your own life.... like to find smthing of him kahi thoo kaise thoo bi just sooo you could feel him live him in his absence too... and waha see shuru huaaa this thing bout looking around like visually living the things situations people around.....

in that vague search, hope of finding him kahii tho....

today too much later through the day almost shaam mein when you finally zero it down for an indoor shoot had to now figure out the backdrop and the props to be used and stuff..... with the other tension of outfits still not ready yet !!!!

like theres the chaos part of it and then there is Him.... your ultimate peace happiness that one corner away from everything else like that one smthing of him anywhere anyhow and the waaaaaaaay it just changes transforms you awaaay.... like evrything inside outside around you suddenly that beauuuuuuutifully transformed.....

like this one visual that you lived today was def crossing awaaaaaaay all levels of magic i say.....

for that moment it toooootally did......

on your way to meet the photographer to discuss the background and all and due to the bad jam takes another road and before you know you were on the sai baba temple route..... worse jam there too.... like it takes that long to even get any closer to the temple and all that while that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him up the volume and just be.... with that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like you could feeeeel that one strong feeel of smthing through you..... too many feels in one line but thats exaactly how it was that one stretch of jam and as you get dheere dheere closer to it that feeeling growing stronger.....

what it was bout you donnoooo cause you dont pray or now even dont complain anymore..... but that one feeeeel that you could def feeeel rush through you......

as you get clsoer there was a blue car just like his skoda back then..... and there was this one lady just bout stepping out of the temple wearing white chudiar with red legging tho.... and as she walks closer to the man standing outside the car applies vidubhi over the forehead as the man was on the fone..... and just stays there looking around..... that neeed to stop the car and just be there.....

dont get out dont get in the temple cause the last time it took you a day or more to get over that vibe to stop yourself from you dint want to feel that way again.....

it was that bad of tooo much pain that youd felt.....

and you just be there still watchin the lady standing there waiting for the man to get done with the call... finally gets in the car and much after the man gets in and they leave......

that one visual and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him !!!!!!!!!!!!!

like you donnooo how to write out explain or define out what and HOW that one moment that one visual made you feel like.....

like that sec after get on whatsapp and unblock him....

there have been many a times youve done this before but mostly it has been bout the dream or the waay his presence made you feel like there always was a reason some reason that made you do so....

but today that moment you donnooo why you just had to do it.... you still donnooo why you did it and what for !!!!!!!!!!

but that one strong feeeeeeeeeel of him like it was smthing else.....

it was that beautiful blankness as you lived that visual of that man and woman like all through that you couldnt even hear his music no sound nothing at al....

just that one strong feeeeeeeeel of him rushing through you !!!!!!!!!!

like you just donnooooooooooooooooo what it was bout again smthing like youve never felt before..... just that one feeeeeeel of right doing the wrong done...

again one of those things that dint make any sense when you did that and now it still dosnt !!

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