Tuesday 9 April 2019

to the much same to same moments...

it was almost every scene that did bring along more of him as you watch.....

to this one scene of the movie after some moemnt and this one moment with him through the moment his sister walks in and the very first thing him pushing her away out of the room cause she still wanted to stand there and the waaaay he takes her out and asks her to not come out for a bit or smthing he tells her......

back to you in his room and you were sitting on the floor covering your face shaking almost that baadly cause she did see you both in a moment.... and i sweaaaaar whooo one of those khaaaaaaajaaaanaaaa uskuuu wala moment thaaa.....

like that THAT lost in him !!!!!!!!!

and the waaay he takes your face in his hands his beauutiful usual way and keeps saying its ok karely liek he knew what that made you feel and HOW..... and tries to talk smthing smthing and then just holds you and sits there in that one way he used to when sitting on the floor like holding you poora ka poooora awaay with his per baaju on either side of you.....

and through those moments of him talking to you get normal you keep asking him to drop you back cause you coundt meet his sister that day cause she did share that logic of hers calling girls who go ahead with stuff before gettng married to be some sort types.... like sh ewould never go that way and all !!

and it was that start of those days when she was more comfortable with you in his life and you dint want to lose him to that..... again !!

and him still ignoring you saying that goes on with his yaha waha ka talk and once you were almost normal the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he that adooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorably in that one cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest kid tone tells you achaa now that you are normal lets get back to what we were doing.... and then chuckles awaaaaaaaaaay that adorably holding you closer....

that was the first time you live him that way like setting yourself free that way not completely but still that way....

the waaaaaay he that nite on the call says the same that he felt you for the first time that way and like jokes bout how of all the moments his sister had to walk in when you both were living each other for the first time that way.....

smthings you write now you know maloooooooooom yeee sab aisaaa nai likna idhar boklee but smthings you just cant help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was the first time after all !!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YOU adoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorable cutieeeeeeeeee i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW ONLY You weer missed abiiiiiii k abiiii !!!!!!!!!!!

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