Saturday 27 April 2019

Nothing but Happiness....

like the only thing that youve ever wanted wished hope waited for even much before him your best friend or your love of life.... was Him to be happy.... him smiling just happiness for Him !!!!

like thats all youve ever waited wished or hoped for Him !!!!

and now seeing that he is you dint want to ruin it with your presence.....

whatever you feeel in moments or dreams is yours alone......

its your side of the story its your side of love......

to just let him be the way he is - Happy... is what youll stick with now.....

it was that weird feeeling after..... like suddenly your presence there dint even make any sense anymore.....

that was a time.... and this now is a time too !!

and this is smthing you need to work on realizing and accepting more importantly.....

get a call from work and on your way back getting there you see this one sign board of the yoga studio opp street that says work on self....

and thats what youll do now....

with this one done soon finally go back to getting on with the time away that you did try more than twice now.....

hoping to gain some control over the swaaaaaaaaaays that you experience post his dreams and moments.....

there was that feeeeeeel charlie feeeling his face awaaay his hands awaaay pic mein se hee.... and that one feeeeel you love him and thats how it needs to be for real too.....

to love him is to let him be happy..... to let him be the way he wants to be !!

and thats what youll work on..... here after !!

to take your side of story and moments to be yours alone.... no matter how stronger his presence in moments or dreams feeels its just yours.....

THAT one pic of his i swear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nothing like youve seen like it was actually seeeeing living him for real that closeeeeeee to real......

like that same posture position of his that you were living yesterday there it was that very same almost same one for real in the pic.....

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