Sunday 5 March 2023

Youday 2!!!

 To much later in the day manager drops over asking you to come along for some house party at the models space as you’d been away for longest in recent times off work cause there has never been a day off apart from the sundays and she just wanted to catch up on things and to discuss and finalise for the Gulmohar collection next……

Yes finally this has happened blend of earthy tones which he really loved and you name it Gulmohar cause you’d been wanting to for the longest of times some collection with the name of your most loooooooooved moemnt memory a life changing one literally!!!!!!

First stop was getting some pastries and stuff and this cafe just bout to step out once done you were messaging her something and you lookup and this guy with few others stops looks at you let’s the girls pass by and holds the door for you and waits outside still looking at you smiling away you get out manger looking at you the guy still waiting there asks the others to leave and you turn and head back inside and just stay there for a bit and the manger walks back in laughing saying I sure knew you would do something like this such a rebel you are and something something!!!!!!

To you that moment when you look up and sense that orsence of someone holding the door for you it was him it was his face his prsence him smiling that smile as you walk past by close to him cause he would always stand in a way holding the door for you it’s that brush of the prsence kinda moment which he again did talk much later calling it an almost hug and he loved it every single time!!!!!!

She went on n on over the thing and to you it still was just him can’t write out charlie what moments like these fill you up with it’s like suddenly you miss that side of his prsence too to feel him to be with him to live him that way too to just find him standing beside you feeels like that big of a deal even writing it now as you relive the moment!!!!!

What was even beautifully magical was soon as you are at her place some song almost finished and this one starts and some other friend of hers tries to change the track and you ask her to let it be cause that one word does it for you the vibe of the track felt like it again had him standing across the room wit you right there in that very moment!!!!!

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