Sunday 5 March 2023

Days like these…!

 Last week down with covid and then hospitalised for 2 days it’s this weirdly beautiful cause even laying there to having felt him all by yourself……off work off everything else and yet that one beautiful constant like always there with you!!!!!

It always leaves you wondering if you that strongly feel him how does it not stay for real even after the waking state like feeling that strong can’t just be your mind is always where it comes down to…

To finally heading back to work day before for fittings and designs and the model says how she has been complimented for the way she looked and was photographed with brands asking her who the photographer was and it today it lands to your love for photography like you made her feel beautiful…..

Ur first muse him howwwwww you loved taking his pictures from his phone to later taking pics of things to do with him moments places to his corners in those post bup meets…..nooks and corners of his space to save them away his guitar his school book his jars of jim jam biscuits to banana chips to empty bottles of daru around to his writing space like you just loved saving spaces where he was at his prsence his music system in the car cause that was his love and you connected with that the most which now they call it as the “love language”!!!!!!

That was always it for you!!!!!

Like to know his music was to know him him sharing his music with you was him showing you much he loved you like that closest to his music…….

Even the other day them talking bout pictures and stuff the way it was all taking you back to moments of capturing him him pushing you away not wa ring you to click his pictures and you still at it with taking pictures of his beloved red blanket behind him to him surfing for movies and just saving him away in every to anyway possible!!!!!

It’s the way things connect to something to do with him is when you re realise how almost everything to do with you has something to do with him in some way or the other…….

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