Tuesday 7 March 2023

Writing Him!!!!!

 Lonnnnnngest day at work a bit of khana shopping come home and the first thing you see soon as you enter is Pooran poli on the table!!!!!!

The second that visual hits you that very second that beauuuuuuutoful echo of his voice pooran poli khaaati!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeeel can never get used to to eating 3-4 away and the waaaaay it makes your heart happy I swear!!!!!cause with every bit there was a him and soooo happy that you pass out again on the couch watching some docuseries!!!!!

It’s this neeeed to write him out on some days specifically to live him on some days urgently that shakes you up makes you wait wakes you up like you bas had to had to!!!!!!

Soon as you do now with some scene change loud sound and find his music still playing flashes of him across the table watching you eat the polis away with that one heart happpy smile of his ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

That one face in the world for you!!!!!!!!

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