Saturday 18 March 2023

Shiver rushing!!!!!

 Is it normal to feel this way what and how you are feeling right now!!!!

A moemnt a prsence that strong that leaves you with this beauuuuutiful shiver still!!!!’

It’s this been this way almost since that very same dream this morning too to this moemnt mins back the waaaaay his presence made you feeeeel all this away!!!!!

There are tooooo many way toooo many things on mind to write out but in this moment here this music playing with him rushing through and the moments playing on loop like this half way through the sleep like it actual mein wakes you up wide n bright cause when he comes like this I swear this mind it leaves you with… even with eyes shut!!!!!

It’s been hectic 2 days and throug that to hold this mind away has been the most complicated thing to deal with….your face your expression this smile this something this beautifully solid of him rushing through you your body language evrythung about you felt like what and how you used to be with him back and after that waking talking that same way on the inside like this mind lately the way it keeps going back to the moemnts relived of him with these songs………

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