Sunday 5 March 2023


 It’s been a lot of missing lately charlie like beyond the normal levels of missing I swear!!!!!

The ways you can never think you’d miss someone as or like, it’s beyond tat too now!!!!!

His voice his every lil detail same airspace as him kinda missing too like beyond any to every level of missing!!!!!

From just waking up or before sleep to the zillionth seconds through the day the waaaaaays he rushes through you out of nowhere and that state of mind it leaves you with weirdly smiling and still missing away that baaaaaaaaaad like even a note full of aa’s in the bad still wouldn’t seem enough that kinda bad it has gotten!!!!!

Like didn’t think didn’t plan to this is what missing feels like kinda missing I say!!!!!!

Specially when yo write out lil details bout him his facial expressions his smile his hands tip of his finger holding the door that shy smile of his lilst detail ayyyaaaaaaaaaa this feeeeeeeeeeel even as you relive n write out !!!!!!!!

How like how HOWWWWWWWW just that one face becomes all this away and like THISSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

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