Friday 17 March 2023


 This weather this mindddddd and ayyyaaaaaaaa that him!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaa the way slightest of him used to do that much away how do you even deal with THIS much him rushing through you like evry track brings over a memory that was somewhere there like fataaaak se that visual visuals one track after the other brings along it’s like these slides of visuals of him at his Dd space one visual after the other with one word after the other……

Waking up with no dream and this waiiiit like bas aaj tho you had to live him away like you can’t stop listening to these and can’t stop trippin on this side of him!!!!!!

Almost done but you skip the rest and jump to the stretch and manager comes over few calls n stuff and literally push her out in between like you just had to play this track and strangely today you were feeling yourself away through the moves for the first time and yet this one leg stretch upwards and that same feeeeeeel like yesterday it was like you knew could sense it the waaaaay the smile on you still there through the moves somethjngs are beauuuutofully crazy beyond logics…….

Today through this move one line the waaaaaaay another visual of his comes through again something’s you can’t write out this one being one of those like somehow the guts still come out in action one drink down !!!!!!!

How these tracks are bringing over these beauuuuutiful versions of him visuals of these moments with that sudden feeeeel ya no saw him that way yaaa right lived and looooved him that way too…….it’s like today throu the moves you were lost in the track with eyes shut and living him from that day at his space almost laying over looking you in the eye and wanting you to do the same as him like just by the stare asking you to follow his moves………

This minfdddd right now even writing it out now!!!!!!!!

Chippy you were missed if you only knew man I swear!!!!!!!!!

How to deal with this new you lately like smiling away feeling yoruself away for the first time and another fist time thing with him lived somehow!!!!!!!

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