Thursday 23 March 2023

Him Magic…!

 He is maaaagic just that beauuuuuutifully magic!!!!!!

His whole existence one beautofullllllest form of magic that you miss the MOST and only thing you miss in life!!!!!!!

Miss and howwwwwwww!!!!!!

Last few days that version of you with him did come back to life after a very long time and it all got beyoooond your control to tame it away and the waaaaaaays you struggled to get back to normal there was that beauuuuutiful him storm on the inside and then having to pretend to be normal on the outside was a struggle beyond limits!!!!!!!

Switch music for a day or two and avoid writing out the mind cause it was only making it that beauuutifully worse!!!!!!

Then it happens all over ahhain this morning the wAaaaaaaaaays he comes charlie ayyyaaaaaaaaaa that one sleeeeepy face lips pouting away a lil more like that’s when you know he has the sleep face on when his lips go all pouty eyes almost shut twitching away the nose a lil more knowing that was also one of your most adoooored expressions of his and yet amidst all of it there’s that one smileeeeeeeee of his when he realises you are that lost in him and living away his beauuutiful details even with his sleep face on ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa mera poooora heart I saaaaaay pooora ka poooooora heart right there on his face!!!!!!!

To these moments this morning like you just couldn’t stop smiling replaying it al on loop and then the workout got worse with no good music finding today post stretch too that one wait to find that one track with all him vibes is when you miss his music uploads the mostest aaj kal!!!!!!!

To this one track of his and the waaaaaaay that very him holding chappals jn his hand that lost beauuuuutiful sleeeeepy face lips al pouty and slowly comes and holds you away with that one beauuutiful sigh over your shoulder!!!!!

Like all of the moves and postures today the waaaaay all those moments of living that version of him rush through you!!!!!

Like at one point you just stop the moves and just lay there with eyes shut and reliving that beauuuuuuuty of him at that hour…pure magic charlie that mosttttt beauuuutofullest wildesstt version of magic I say laced with that hint of innocence across his face……..

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that loooooooove for eating away his pooora face when he used to come looking like that at that golden hour of the nights almost morning……

To that very same face through moments from this mornings dream same face with that gorgeousness of his daaadi!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you sexy lil big adoooooooooorable thing how only uou were missed again I say!!!!!!!!! 

This mind this face can’t stop smiling I say ayyyaaaaaaaaa said it before can say over that one face in the world for you!!!!!!!

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