Wednesday 15 March 2023


 It was that rush charlie of all him like suddenly the moments with Him from this morning made sense like didn’t feel that lost like it weirdly felt that beauuutiful!!!!!

Work bits done ask her to take the long road home and play the tracks over again with this hilly corner just around some temples lane and ask her to stop by find this corner dooor play the track over again and just let your face smuleeeee away feeel away as much as you could sitting out there for a bit on your own and with that him trip on your mind!!!!!

Some tracks didn’t know could hold that beauuuuty of bringing back his that very face from that very moment this way after years……..

It was still reliving it was something else!!!!!!

Him ayyyaaaaaaaa the most beauuuuuutiful human ever I say!!!!!!!!!!

Inside out ayyaaaaaa every lil detail of him holds that much beauuuty away with each expression of their own…….like they sayyy that much away by just moving the slowest bhi…

Today was different finding those tracks to trippin over to that side of him his eyes his nose his lips n chin his skin his hands hair on his hands his feet closer to yours and you just lean over to see his feet from close and that very second mentions will you trim the nails again like he did remember that too from back then you doing that for him…….

It just did bring back tooooooooo much zooooomed uo versions of him moments with him and HOWWWWW!!!!!

The look of him the stare of him that slow smile of his that beauuutiful scent and taste of him that touch of him to just be able to live him and his beauuuuutiful details was like rushed felt away almost all of it in these tracks!!!!!!!

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