Tuesday 7 March 2023

Hooolyy Holi!!!!!

And it’s Holyyyy holi hai!!!!!

Again one of those dates on the calendar and this stage of mind ever since the realisation of the day has hit you!!!!!!!!

Every single time never get can’t get used to some dates I say!!!!!!!

It’s a rushy morning with first session post covid feels better!!!!!

After feeeels of it even better a short time cause of the presence of the manager discussing work and stuff and that wait inside and you literally force her out for a min or two of him to live post workout!!!!!!

Some sounds and the waaaaay they come along with visuals!!!!!!

How you looooooooioved watching him smoke his psy beedi away ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa that beauuuuuuuty of him and his facial expressions moving slowly with every puff in n out…

This mind all the more this beauuuutifully lost!!!!!!

It was that sudden beautiful transition as you push yourself throug the workout cause of the weird body feels post covid and then there was that moment of his visuals amidst smoke that comes along with the sound from versovaaaaa!!!!!!

This mind I tell you even as you write now howleeeeeeeeee you gorgeous gorgeous lil big annooooyingly beautiful lest thing how only you were missed!!!!!!    

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