Sunday 5 March 2023

Across the room…

 Saw you gleaming across the room it’s all in you…!

You were at the doorway kinda space step up and few lines after this line comes over ask her to let the track be Shazam it up and this one earplug in moemnt with her commenting now that she found some track she is going to be that way for sometime as they arrange some food daru stuff away!!!!!!

It’s this sudden state of mind it shifts you in like suddenly you are that beauuuuuutifully lost on your own like inside you are that happy all things happy cause you just felt him even with people around had a moemnt of your own had a magic moment cause that’s exactlyyyyy how you lived him hours back and then to find a song like this like it all felt that beautifully insync…….

Designed for you created for you kinda moemnt n vibe…..mind just happy slow with flashes of him across the room flashes of him standing beside you at the door looking at you rush through you and making all your insides happpoy and how!!!!!!

One beer down and you stop there cause you just can’t handle alcohol specially when out like you wanna make sure that real you doesn’t come out in public and they get this game going never have I ever with shots and you ask for switching it up with something else cause you never did shots before and they insist!!!!!

First things first shots are prolly the worstest ever taste wise they hit you beautiful though but the taste tho!!!!!!!

One to prolly two out and you are about to quit then there was this one question never have I ever drunk dialed an ex and you drink it up finally and then lost and how!!!!!!!and end up saying out loud the missing rushing through but how come he never did and actually get off!!!!!!!

Cause the call rushed through you it was those days of post bup chats and calls and this one time not sure how drunk you were you call and then disconnect darrse and he calls up immediately asking first thing are you ok?!

Something’s ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa reliving it now the sound of his voice and this track on loop fkj I tell you does things to your mind awaaaaaaaay and how!!!!!!

Lyrics kuch aur but this viiiiiibe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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