Wednesday 15 March 2023

Awakened n HOW!!!!!

 From that moment of waking upto all those feels of him !!!!

Like no matter what you do brushing his face is all you could seein the reflection him loookijg his absoluteeeeeee sexy beauuuutifuo best with those sleeeepy eyes black shirt his lilst smile to that shy smile of his as you live his beauuutiful details away the way his eyes sparkle as you touch them the whole vibe of tha moment the waaay even in the mkennet it takes you back to the same moment from his Dd space as you live his beauuuty away and the waaaay his eyes follow your hand as you touch his eyes his lips that one shyyyy smileeeeeeee and doesn’t even blink through like as much as you were living him in that moment he was doing the same too……

The very same vibe last night this morning rather and that sudden lost feeeel soon as you are up!!!!!

It was all just that weird to finally working out with half mind and you play his nicolas jar mix and this one track to another and suddenly instead of weights you were moving slow dancing with that one face from this morning rushing through you!!!!!

The way this one track leads you to a certain similar moment as you keep looking at him throug the moment and live that beauuuuuuty of his face transforming lil by lil that was a first too again at his Dd space!!!!!

The way from those initial expressions of his that sudden deeper smileee of his almost chuckle like cause it was ur first time and then that transformation again to yih to see him that waaay ayyaaaaaaaaaa some faces of his I swear the waaaay this one track did bring back that very expression that very face of his from that very moment years after!!!!!!

Even writing it out now like initially you didn’t couldn’t write out but somehow today you just had to!!!!!!!

Sound of music I say some tracks the waaaaaaays they bring him along!!!!!!!!

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